
The hysterectomy or removal of the uterus is a surgical procedure that the specialist uses after diagnosis and tests, and to ensure the presence of a malignant or benign disease that can develop or even after the treatment period of a malignant disease in this area, in addition to the fact that the process of removing the uterus is used by a few women In removing their uterus in the event that they do not want to conceive at all, but these are rare cases and may in some cases be a hysterectomy in the form of a partial hysterectomy.

Types of hysterectomy?
1- Removing the uterus and leaving the cervix. This procedure is called (partial hysterectomy).
2- Removal of the uterus and cervix, as this procedure is called (standard) hysterectomy.
3- Removal of the uterus, cervix and ovaries, where this procedure is called (total) hysterectomy.
We also note that the removal of the uterus, with the development of medicine and modern technologies, made it possible to use several methods:
Abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy, hysterectomy by laparoscopic or modern robot, and this is estimated and the appropriate process in removing the uterus is evaluated by the specialist doctor and according to the patient's condition in discussion with him as well.
In most cases, when a specialist surgeon performs the operation of removing the uterus through the abdomen, this is to check for other diseases in the pelvic area or because the size of the uterus is large, or if the patient's condition is seen by the specialist doctor is only suitable for her to perform a hysterectomy through the abdomen.

Hysterectomy with the new technique of laparoscopy is considered a modern method and technique, and it is by making several holes in the abdomen from three to five holes, according to the case that the specialist sees, and its size is between (5-10) mm, and the laparoscopic operation in removing the uterus is considered a process. Easier for the patient, not exhausting and tired, and for example, this operation can be performed in the morning and the patient can go home in the evening without causing any pain or other complications for her.

Reasons for resorting to the operation to remove the uterus?
1- Unexplained vaginal bleeding.
2- Problems or diseases in the endometrium.
3- Presence of uterine fibers.
4- A malignant cancerous tumor, and in this case, the process of removing the uterus must be expedited.
5- Prolapse of the uterus.

What are the symptoms of a fibroid that may lead to the removal of the uterus?
1- During the period of menstruation (an increase in the amount of blood than usual) such as continuous bleeding or cutting a blood clot.
2- The timing of the session is disturbed until it reaches twice per month.
3- Severe pain during or after the period.
4- Frequent urination.
5- Big belly.
6- Delayed pregnancy and childbearing.
7- Pain during sexual intercourse.
8- Constipation.
And the symptoms may differ from one patient to another depending on the direction of the tumor inside the uterus or outside the uterus, or the pressure on the rectum and at the top of the uterus may prevent pregnancy, and if the size of the tumor is small and located in an ineffective place, symptoms may not appear permanently, and therefore periodic examination is recommended.

What are the examinations to be performed before hysterectomy?
In the event that the patient does not suffer from any other diseases, it is sufficient to conduct a regular blood test for her and make sure that there is no blood liquefaction, and in some special cases such as a diabetic patient, diabetes must be regulated, and patients who take blood-thinning medications must be stopped ten days before the hysterectomy operation. And pressure patients also must maintain their pressure, and this is what gives that each type of patient has different examinations and procedures from the others in the process of removing the uterus and this is what the specialist doctor evaluates according to the patient's condition, but he must and advise the patient to prepare before this operation through counseling and Discussing with the specialist doctor, asking questions, knowing the results, knowing the type of anesthesia, with the setting of treatment and its mechanism after a hysterectomy.
Results after uterine removal?
In the beginning, the patient must know that she is unable to conceive and conceive again, unfortunately, but this does not mean that he will lose her femininity, and her menstruation will cease, but she will feel comfortable after the operation of removing the uterus because of a disease that may affect her life in the past, and we also say that Some women notice a big difference after a hysterectomy in terms of sexual intercourse, as the woman may feel better than before and more comfortable without any pain.

Tips after a hysterectomy?
1- Resting enough for a period of not less than a week, noting that with modern techniques that are used to remove the uterus, the patient can return to her normal life immediately.
2- Not to carry any heavy weights for two months after a hysterectomy.
3- Doing any physical activity lightly and not being exhausted for a sufficient period of recovery.
4- Not having sex for 45 days after removing the uterus.
5- Adherence to the instructions of the specialist doctor about the instructions and medications to be taken after a hysterectomy.
6- Eat colorful fruits and vegetables with vitamins.
7- Eat pulses and grains.
8- Avoid eating fats.
9- Take vitamin and calcium.

Ways to prevent uterine cancer?
Like any other disease in terms of caring for the health of the body in addition to other tips such as:
Avoid smoking, exercising, and maintaining a healthy body weight, in addition to increasing the rate of childbearing and breastfeeding while following a diet, and some doctors may advise using birth control pills for a certain period as it gives the body hormones and regulates the menstrual cycle.

Our Isabel Medical Center in Istanbul works to treat all gynecological diseases and cancerous tumors in addition to providing advice and guidance, as we strive to provide the best in terms of cosmetic and surgical medical operations and treatment of all diseases with an integrated team of doctors with high experience and a medical staff of Nurses who follow the patient’s condition even after the recovery and surgical work phase by providing the best modern technologies developed in the world and located in Isabel Medical Center located in Istanbul - Turkey, the country of medical tourism.

Key words: Hysterectomy

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